Jennifer NauschNobody dominates, and nobody is dominated Interview with the Ananda Marga Yoga monk Padmeshananda: yoga in Africa, spiritual colonialism, yoga&mission, life as a monk, god connection
Jennifer NauschThey feel I look at something higher within themInterview on yoga with Indian yoga teacher Anil Kumar: obstacles, sexual harassment, competition, guilt, mantras, mudras, India, ego, 'baba'
Jennifer NauschYou’ve probably got to do all the mistakes onceInterview with yoga teacher Olaf Gründel: healing trauma, common yoga mistakes, escapism, dealing with the ego, hallucinogenic substances
Jennifer NauschThe body is all in the mindphysiotherapist and yogini Lisa Salem (42) shares her therapeutic view on yoga&reveals why a lesion doesn’t mean that we have to quit practi
Jennifer NauschYoga helped me to obtain a different view on life and on myself Interview with German yoga teacher Karin Johannsen: purpose, hardship, disease, religion, mindfulness, mental strength, physical fitness