Jennifer NauschBefore you mess up with the Gods, it is better to change the religionThe traditional Mossi people living in rural areas practice self-sufficiency agriculture. They basically do everything themselves – using...
Jennifer NauschNowhere in (West) Africa My adventure with traditional Mossi people in Burkina Faso Join me on my journey into a bewildering and fascinating country near the...
Jennifer NauschSigns of terror, signs of change - Nowhere in (West) Africa Part 1For more interviews and articles stay connected and subscribe to my newsletter! Arrival in Ouagadougou Right after my arrival in the...
Jennifer NauschTimelessness: Life in a West African village – Nowhere in (West) Africa Part 2As we reach the village in the district Kombissiri, 60 kilometres south of the capital Ouagadougou, and get out of the car, I am beamed...
Jennifer NauschVigilantism, for the peace of the village:Nowhere in (West) Africa Part 3 Where there is lots of poverty there is often lots of robbery. But things are different 60 kilometres south of Burkina Faso’s Capital...